Vypracovaná maturitní otázka Daily Routine


Jak uspět u ústní zkoušky u maturity z angličtiny a získat vynikající hodnocení, když si vytáhnete maturitní otázku na téma Daily Routine (Každodenní rutina)? Tuto otázku si klade většina maturantů z angličtiny, když se na ústní zkoušku poctivě připravují. Abychom to všem maturantům z AJ co nejvíce usnadnili, připravil Nový Amos vypracované otázky na všechna maturitní témata angličtina, která se u ústní maturity z AJ objevují úplně nejčastěji. Postupně si také projdeme všechny dovednosti na mluvení (speaking) anglicky na dané téma. Tak pojďme na to, uvidíte, že sice úplně zadarmo nebude, ale s trochou přípravy to zvládneme a u maturity z angličtiny uspějeme.


Vypracovaný text na maturitní téma Daily Routine

Waking Up

Waking up is the first step of a daily routine. Most people set an alarm to wake up at a specific time, usually early in the morning. A good start to the day might include stretching, drinking water, and getting out of bed right away to feel more alert.

Morning Hygiene

Morning hygiene is essential for feeling fresh and ready for the day. This includes brushing teeth, washing the face, and taking a shower. Some people also spend time on skincare or grooming, such as shaving or applying makeup.


Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. A healthy breakfast provides the energy needed to start the day and can include foods like cereal, eggs, fruit, or yogurt. Some people prefer a quick coffee or tea, while others enjoy a more substantial meal.


Commuting is the time spent traveling from home to work or school. This can involve driving, taking public transportation, cycling, or walking. The commute can be a time to relax, listen to music, or prepare mentally for the day ahead.

Work or School

The majority of the day is often spent at work or school. This time includes attending classes, completing assignments, or performing job duties. It is a time for productivity, learning, and collaboration with colleagues or classmates.

Lunch Break

A lunch break is a necessary pause in the middle of the day to recharge. During lunch, people might eat a packed meal, visit a cafeteria, or go out to a restaurant. It’s also a time to take a mental break, socialize with friends or coworkers, or catch up on personal tasks.

Afternoon Activities

Afternoon activities vary depending on the person’s schedule. For students, this might involve attending additional classes or studying. For workers, it could include meetings, completing tasks, or working on projects. Some people might also use this time for exercise or running errands.

Evening Routine

The evening routine marks the winding down of the day. After returning home, many people have dinner, relax by watching TV, reading, or spending time with family. It’s also common to review the day’s events and prepare for the next day.

Personal Time

Personal time in the evening is when individuals focus on their hobbies, interests, or relaxation. This could include anything from exercising, practicing a hobby, or simply unwinding with a favorite book or show.

Preparing for Bed

Preparing for bed involves getting ready to sleep and ensuring a restful night. This usually includes a nighttime hygiene routine like brushing teeth and washing the face. Some people find it helpful to do a calming activity, such as reading or meditation, before turning off the lights.

Otázky zkoušejícího na vypracovaný text na téma Daily Routine

  1. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
  2. How important is your morning hygiene routine, and what does it include?
  3. What do you usually have for breakfast, and why do you choose these foods?
  4. How do you get to work or school, and what do you do during your commute?
  5. Describe a typical day at work or school for you.
  6. What do you do during your lunch break, and how does it help you recharge?
  7. How do you stay productive in the afternoon, especially if you feel tired?
  8. What is your evening routine like after you get home?
  9. How do you spend your personal time in the evening?
  10. What activities help you relax before going to bed?
  11. How does your daily routine change on weekends or days off?
  12. What do you think is the most important part of your daily routine?
  13. How do you balance your work or school responsibilities with personal time?
  14. What are some challenges you face in sticking to your daily routine?
  15. How do you feel your daily routine affects your overall well-being?

Vzor odpovědí na otázky zkoušejícího

  1. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? The first thing I do when I wake up is turn off my alarm and stretch a little to wake up my body.
  2. How important is your morning hygiene routine, and what does it include? My morning hygiene routine is very important because it helps me feel fresh. It includes brushing my teeth, washing my face, and taking a shower.
  3. What do you usually have for breakfast, and why do you choose these foods? I usually have cereal and fruit for breakfast because it’s quick to prepare and gives me energy for the day.
  4. How do you get to work or school, and what do you do during your commute? I take the bus to school, and during the commute, I listen to music or read a book.
  5. Describe a typical day at work or school for you. A typical day at school involves attending classes, taking notes, and working on assignments. I also spend time with friends during breaks.
  6. What do you do during your lunch break, and how does it help you recharge? During lunch break, I eat my packed lunch and talk with my friends. It helps me relax and get ready for the afternoon classes.
  7. How do you stay productive in the afternoon, especially if you feel tired? To stay productive in the afternoon, I try to take short breaks between tasks and sometimes drink a cup of tea to stay focused.
  8. What is your evening routine like after you get home? After I get home, I have dinner with my family, do some homework, and then relax by watching TV or playing games.
  9. How do you spend your personal time in the evening? I spend my personal time doing things I enjoy, like reading books or chatting with friends online.
  10. What activities help you relax before going to bed? Before going to bed, I like to read a book or listen to calming music to help me relax.
  11. How does your daily routine change on weekends or days off? On weekends, I usually wake up later, and I have more free time to spend with friends or do hobbies that I enjoy.
  12. What do you think is the most important part of your daily routine? The most important part of my daily routine is the evening, as it allows me to unwind and prepare for the next day.
  13. How do you balance your work or school responsibilities with personal time? I balance my responsibilities by creating a schedule that includes time for both work and relaxation.
  14. What are some challenges you face in sticking to your daily routine? Some challenges include feeling tired or unmotivated, which can make it hard to follow my routine.
  15. How do you feel your daily routine affects your overall well-being? My daily routine helps me stay organized and reduces stress, which improves my overall well-being.

Ukázka osnovy pro prezentování tématu Daily Routine

Osnova je skvělá pomůcka pro mluvení nejen anglicky. Pokud máte hlavní body k danému tématu, pak ke každému bodu stačí říct pár vět, a najednou je z osnovy prezentace na několik minut!

  • Waking Up
  • Morning Hygiene
  • Breakfast
  • Commuting
  • Work or School
  • Lunch Break
  • Afternoon Activities
  • Evening Routine
  • Personal Time
  • Preparing for Bed
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