CÍL: Umím odpovědět na maturitní otázky týkající se tématu United States of America.
Abyste tohoto cíle dosáhli a získali maximum bodů, je nutné dodržet následující dva body. Jejich dodržením totiž naplníte přesně to, co od Vás zkoušející u této části ústní zkoušky z angličtiny očekává:
- Každá odpověď na otázku musí být detailní, věcná, logická a vhodně zakončená.
- Odpověď musí obsahovat minimálně 30-50 slov.
- Odpověď by měla obsahovat fakta týkající se tématu Spojené státy americké.
Maturitní otázky na téma USA
- Where in the world map do you find the USA? Tell me about it.
- Is the USA a bigger or a smaller country? Tell me about it.
- How many united states make the USA? Tell me about it.
- Who are the neighbouring countries of the USA? Tell me about it.
- What is the largest city in the USA and which one is the capital city? Tell me about it.
- Who are the people of the USA and what is their origin? Tell me about it.
- Which state from the USA do you think is the most exotic? Tell me about it.
- Who are the original people of the USA? Tell me about them.
- Who is the head of the USA now? Tell me about it.
- What is the traditional food in the USA? Tell me about it.
- Is the American English the same as the British English? Tell me about it.
- What are the symbols of the USA? Tell me about it.
- Which historical event do you consider the most important for the USA? Why? Tell me about it.
- Is there anything special about the US movie making? Tell me about it.
- Is the USA a world superpower? Why? / Why not? Please, explain.
- Do you know any world-famous Americans? Tell me about it.
- Which natural monument do you think is the most famous in the world? Why?
- What do you think of the American patriotism? Tell me about it.
- Which sports are the most popular in the USA? Tell me about it.
- What do you know about the American space programme? Tell me about it.
ČTĚTE TAKÉ: Maturitní otázky k tématu New York
Maturitní otázky zaměřené na názory- téma Spojené státy americké
- Would you like to take a road trip around the USA? Why? / Why not?
- Which state of the USA do you like the most? Why?
- Would you like to go surfing to California one day? Why? / Why not?
- Would you like to try living like a typical American? Why? / Why not?
- Do you like the idea of American patriotism? Why? / Why not?
Jak si s tímto zadáním o USA poradíte Vy?