Přepis poslechu ilustračního didaktického testu z AJ 2013


Pro efektivní přípravu k maturitě z angličtiny pro všechny maturanty připravil Nový Amos přepis poslechu maturitního subtestu z angličtiny 2013 ilustrační. Po prvním poslouchání doporučujeme poslech poslechnout ještě jednou. Pokud máte problémy s porozuměním, je třeba poslechnout poslech znovu a k tomu si číst přepis. Je to velmi efektivní metoda tréninku na maturitní didaktický test z AJ.


1. část poslechu

Úloha 1

M: So, Mary, how was Scotland? What was the weather like during the holiday?

W: Well, Terry, everybody warned me I could expect anything from rain to snow in Scotland at this time of the year. But imagine – I didn’t even have to use my umbrella once, it was sunny all week long. Exceptional weather, everybody said. And I didn’t even have to take my jacket out of the suitcase. Well, except in Prague right after landing. It was really cloudy and terribly cold. I wished I was back in Scotland.

Úloha 2

J: Hey Brad, wait, wait, I have something to tell you.

B: Oh, have you won the lottery? What’s all the fuss about?

J: I’ve got a new job!

B: Really? How many jobs have you already had? Last time I saw you, you were a window cleaner. So, what are you gonna do? Work in a fast-food restaurant?

J: No, I found something better. I’m going to work in a new shopping centre.

B: Doing what? Selling hamburgers?

J: Why hamburgers? No, I’m gonna sell women’s clothes in an expensive fashion shop.

B: What Jason, are you crazy?

J: No, think about it – I’m gonna sell clothes to beautiful women all day. That’s much better than selling hamburgers or cleaning windows.

Úloha 3

W: My goodness, Peter, what happened to your arm? I was expecting you at the volleyball match yesterday, but now I understand why you couldn’t come.

M: Well, it’s broken and they won’t remove the plaster until after Christmas. It’s a pity really, I was looking forward to the first snow. I was planning to leave my skis at home and take some snowboarding lessons during the Christmas holidays.

W: Aha, did it happen in the mountains then?

M: Well, I did go to the mountains, but there wasn’t enough snow, so I borrowed a bike from my friend and I fell off it.

Úloha 4

You know, the dream was so real. I was somewhere by the sea, lying on a beach, the sky was clear and not far from the beach, there was a man in a boat and another man swimming next to this boat. They were right in front of me. I’m sure the man in the boat was in trouble because he was waving his hand and shouting something. Nobody else was around, except the small dog sitting on the beach and watching the boat. And suddenly…


2. část poslechu

M: Hi Mary! Congratulations on winning the competition on Radio 1. What an amazing prize! An all-expenses paid holiday in the Caribbean for seven days!

W: Thanks Ben, I’m still in shock! What are the chances that I would be the hundredth caller! Maybe even lower than winning the National lottery, haha.

M: Yeah. And where exactly can you travel to?

W: Well, I’ve always wanted to go to Jamaica, but it’s a pity because I can only go to certain islands in the Caribbean – Puerto Rico, Cuba, Barbados or the Dominican Republic. But I’m not complaining. This would be my first time in that part of the world. In the end, I’ve decided on the Dominican Republic. I’m sure it’s just as beautiful as Jamaica

M: Yeah, it’s a dream come true! Can you take a friend or relative with you?

W: Yes, one, but they have to pay for their own plane ticket. All other expenses including food and hotel are paid for by the radio station.

M: That’s great. Who will you take then?

W: Ah, I’d like to take all my friends. To choose anyone seems unfair. But anyway, I’ll take my mother. It’s her birthday in September and this would be a wonderful present for her.

M: But won’t your father be jealous?

W: I doubt it. Nowadays, he’s a home body and doesn’t like travelling much. Although when I was a kid, he loved adventure. It was because of my father, that we travelled as much as we did as children.

M: Oh yes, I remember the stories you told me about your summer holidays as a child. I wish I could ride a camel through the desert or go on safari like you one day.

W: Those were the good times. And now, here’s to more.

M: And when are you going to leave on the trip then?

W: Well, I was told that I can go anytime I want, but that is only possible for up to a year from the time I officially receive the prize. Which means I have to go before next December. So, I’ll choose September because of mother’s birthday.

3. část poslechu

Remember, the bus for London leaves tomorrow at 10 o’clock, so please, don’t be late. You should be here at school no later than 9.30 AM. And don’t forget to bring your passport. If you forget that, you won’t be allowed on the bus. And money – money is important, if you want to buy food and souvenirs. The host families you’re going to stay with will provide you with breakfast and dinner, but you will need to buy your own lunches and snacks. Oh, and according to the weather forecast for next week, we shouldn’t have any rain, but it won’t be sunny either – but cloudy all week long. So you can definitely leave your sunglasses in Prague. But it’s a good idea to bring a pair of comfortable shoes and a light jacket. We’ll be doing a lot of walking and London can get a bit cold in the mornings. Ok, so, we’re leaving tomorrow at 10 o’clock in the morning, we should go through passport control at about 4 o’clock the next morning. With tougher checks at the border now, we may have to wait a little longer to get into the United Kingdom. But we are expected to arrive in London at half past 5. We’ll have breakfast together and then I’ll show you how to travel on the underground. It’s much larger than the metro system in Prague, but it’s quite easy to use. I know you’re looking forward to going on the double-decker buses, too. Don’t worry, we’ll use them in the afternoon. We’ve already watched a lot of videos and read a lot of articles at school, so you have an idea of what to see in London. As for finding your way around, you already have maps of the city. And I advise you to study them before we reach London. And if you get lost, don’t panic, remember – you can always call me or your host families. And remember – anytime you call a Czech number in London, both speakers pay roaming fees for the call. So I ask you not to call me on my Czech mobile number 777 978 844 during our stay, but use my British phone number 077 587 442. Please, does anyone have any questions?

4. část poslechu

Úloha 20

W: Oh Jim, we’ve overslept, wake up! It’s nearly 8 o’clock. I’ve missed the 7.30 train.

M: And when is the next train?

W: Well, there’s a fast train at 9 o’clock and a slow one at 9.15, but it doesn’t get to London before 12 o’clock and that’s too late.

M: Shall I drive you to the station? Would that possibly help?

W: Oh Jim, I’d be so grateful. I’ll be able to catch the fast train easily and I’ll still have a lot of time for a cup of coffee at the railway station café.

Úloha 21

So, welcome to your new home, Jane. Just leave your luggage here in the hall and I’ll show you around the house. Let’s start here, on the ground floor. Well, the kitchen is over here, just opposite the living room, and there are also two bedrooms on this floor. The door on the left, that’s your bedroom, right next to the staircase. The other one, at the end of the corridor, is my son’s. Unfortunately, there is no bathroom on the ground floor, just a toilet. So you’ll have to go upstairs to the first floor to have a shower. Remember, it’s the first door on the left. There are also two bedrooms there. The one on the right is shared by two Polish students and the second…

Úloha 22

Hello Jack, I’m sorry, but I am very busy tomorrow, so I can’t go for lunch with you. You see, I have to get up early because I have a math exam starting at 8 o’clock. Then I have my French class till 10.30 – you know I hate the subject, but the teacher is nice, so the class is fine. Then there is a history lesson and from 11.30 I have PE – my favourite part of the day. It finishes at 12.30 and then there’s biology till 2.30. Normally, we finish at 1.30, but tomorrow we’re going out to the botanical garden, so it’ll take longer.

Úloha 23

M: Good afternoon, I’d like one ticket for the film Transporter 3, today at 5 PM, please.

W: Ok, that will be 4 pounds 20. Here’s your ticket.

M: Oh, but wait – I’d like a student discount, please. Here’s my student card.

W: A student ticket cost 3 pounds 60. And next time, you should show your student card when you order, please.

M: 3 pounds 60? But wasn’t it only 3 pounds last week?

W: That’s the price you have to pay if you buy two or more tickets, which is not your case, young man.

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