CÍL: Umím odpovědět na otázky týkající se tématu Praha.
Abyste tohoto cíle dosáhli a získali maximum bodů, je nutné dodržet následující dva body. Jejich dodržením totiž naplníte přesně to, co od Vás zkoušející u této části ústní zkoušky z angličtiny očekává:
- odpověď na otázku musí být detailní, věcná, logická a vhodně zakončená.
- odpověď musí obsahovat minimálně 30-50 slov.
- odpověď by měla obsahovat fakta o tématu Praha.
Maturitní otázky Prague
- Where is Prague situated? Tell me about it.
- What is the geography of Prague? Tell me about it.
- Why is Prague important for the Czech Republic? Tell me about it.
- Which Prague boroughs are the most famous? Why?
- Is Prague an interesting place to visit for tourists? Why? / Why not?
- Which are the Prague landmarks? Why?
- Is the history of Prague interesting? Tell me about it.
- Which buildings were build during the reign of the king Charles IV.?
- Where would you take a tourist to visit art or historical exhibitions? Why there?
- What is the best way of travelling in Prague? Why?
- What are all possible means of transport in Prague? Tell me about it.
- Is travelling in Prague cheap or expensive? Why? / Why not?
- How can you get to Prague from abroad? Tell me about it.
- Where would you take a tourist to see a good theatre play? Why?
- Where would you take a tourist to enjoy the Prague nightlife? Why?
- Which Prague sports clubs are the most famous? Why?
- Which places would you not recommend to visit in Prague? Why?
- What is the best time of the year for coming to Prague? Why?
- Are there any dangers in Prague which a tourist should be prepared for? Why? / Why not?
- Is Prague a multicultural/multinational city? Tell me about it.
ČTĚTE TAKÉ: Maturitní otázky – Česká republika
Maturitní otázky zaměřené na názory – téma Prague
- What is your favourite location in Prague? Why?
- Do you like Charles Bridge? Why? / Why not?
- Do you like the Prague panorama? Why? / Why not?
- Have you ever thought of going on a boat trip over the Vltava river? Why? / Why not?
- Do you think it is easy to get lost in Prague? Why? / Why not?
- Do you think Prague has a good connection with other big cities in the Czech Republic? Tell me about it.
- Do you think the Czech Republic is a “Prague centered” country? Why? / Why not?
- Why do you think tourists from abroad come to Prague? Tell me about it.
- Would you like to study/work/live in Prague one day? Why? / Why not?
- In your opinion, is Prague a good place for running a business? Why? / Why not?
Jak si s tímto zadáním a otázkami o Praze poradíte Vy?