CÍL: Umím odpovědět na maturitní otázky týkající se tématu Washington D.C.
Abyste tohoto cíle dosáhli a získali maximum bodů, je nutné dodržet následující dva body. Jejich dodržením totiž naplníte přesně to, co od Vás zkoušející u této části ústní zkoušky z angličtiny očekává:
- Každá odpověď na otázku musí být detailní, věcná, logická a vhodně zakončená.
- Odpověď musí obsahovat minimálně 30-50 slov.
- Odpověď by měla obsahovat fakta o Washingtonu D.C.
Maturitní otázky na téma Washington D.C.
- What is the difference between Washington and Washington D. C.? Tell me about it.
- What does the „D.C.“ stand for? Tell me about it.
- Where is Washington D.C. situated? Tell me about it.
- Is Washington the largest city in the United States? Why? / Why not?
- What is the climate like in Washington D.C. in summer and in winter? Tell me about it.
- Why is Washington D.C. an important city for the USA? Tell me about it.
- Which most important institutions are situated in Washington D. C.? Tell me about it.
- Why is the Capitol such an important building in Washington D.C.?
- What is the name of the seat of the American president? Tell me about it.
- What kind of monument is the Washington Monument? Tell me about it.
- What is the Pentagon? Tell me about it.
- What is the population of Washington D.C.? Tell me about it.
- Is there a subway in Washington D.C.? Tell me about it.
- What do the symbols on the Washington flag symbolize? Tell me about it.
- How would you travel to Washington D.C. from Prague? Tell me about it.
ČTĚTE TAKÉ: Maturitní otázky na téma USA
Maturitní otázky zaměřené na názory- téma Washington D.C.
- Would you like to travel to Washington D.C. one day? Why? / Why not?
- Have you ever watched a movie which takes place in Washington? Tell me about it. / Why not?
- Which place in Washington would you like to visit? Why?
- Would you like to live in Washington D.C.? Why? / Why not?
- If you travelled to Washington D.C., would you visit other cities nearby? Tell me about it. / Why not?
Jak si s tímto zadáním o Washingtonu D.C. poradíte vy?