Přepis poslechu jarního didaktického testu z AJ 2024


Podívejte se na přepis úloh poslechu jarního didaktického testu 2024, který vám skvěle poslouží jako studijní materiál pro kontrolu toho, jak jste si vedli v poslechové části u maturit z angličtiny a zda jste textu skutečně rozuměli. Přepis poslechu také velmi dobře poslouží při přípravě na další ročníky státních maturit z anglického jazyka. Přepis maturitního poslechu z angličtiny 2024 pro vás připravil exkluzivně Nový Amos. Mnoho úspěchů nejen při maturitě z angličtiny.


1. část poslechu

Úloha 1

1. Which factory are the students going to visit in Campton?

And now, our next stop is Campton. The town used to be famous for its traditional production of gloves. It’s a pity it had to close down a few years ago. However, you can visit the glove museum in the Campton Town Hall. Just as we enter the town, you will see a factory that makes wooden toys. We will just drive past it, but you can buy its products in the toy shop that we will visit in the town later. Besides the toy factory, there are two other factories in Campton. One of them makes cups and plates, and the other one produces knives. Some of you have probably heard of knives from the traditional Campton production. You will have a chance to see a collection of those today during our guided tour of this factory. And, before we set off back to the school, we will give you time to explore the shops in the town and buy one of the cups made in the Campton Cup and Plate Factory.

Úloha 2

2. Which photograph of her grandpa is Lucy talking about?

A: Oh, who’s this man in the photograph, Lucy?

B: That’s my grandpa. He’s handsome, isn’t he? Can you imagine what he looked like before he had white hair? My mum told me that he used to have a moustache and women really liked him. That’s why my grandma asked him to shave it off. It’s a pity we lost all photos of him with the moustache. Anyway, this photo was taken a year ago, shortly before he started wearing glasses. I think he looks even better with them. I mean, he was handsome before, but now, with the glasses, he looks like a professor. If he had that moustache, he’d look like a film star, although his hair hasn’t been dark for years.

Úloha 3

3. What does Steve do on Thursday afternoons?

A: Hey, Steve. Good to see you. You haven’t been climbing with us for ages.

B: Hi, Sarah. Well, I’m not free on Tuesday afternoons when you go climbing.

A: Okay, but we could go on Thursday afternoons instead.

B: I can’t go on Thursday either. I have a course that day every week.

A: What course?

B: You know, I’ve always liked taking photos, so now, finally, I’m learning to do it properly.

A: Sounds interesting. But I thought you were more interested in painting.

B: Well, you’re right. I love art, so I’m also attending a painting course. That’s why I won’t go climbing with you on Tuesdays.

A: I see. Anyway, I hope you’ll still have time for a regular run.

B: Sure. At the weekend, as always. I’ll call you on Thursday to confirm the time and discuss where we’ll go running.

A: Great.

Úloha 4

4. What did the man get from his girlfriend for Christmas?

A: Amanda, let me see that. You’re reading the same book I got for Christmas.

B: This one? It was a gift from my dad.

A: Funny! I got it from my dad, too. My girlfriend told him to buy the book.

B: You’ll love it. Oh, you’re wearing a new jumper.

A: Yeah, that’s another Christmas present. It’s nice, isn’t it? My girlfriend surprised me.
I didn’t expect it. In fact, I expected to get a wallet from my girlfriend for Christmas,
because that’s what I had asked for. I would have been grateful for a wallet, as mine is very old.

B: I never buy clothes for my boyfriend. They never fit, but buying a wallet for a change is a great idea. I always give him books.

A: That’s what I usually give my girlfriend, too. But this time, instead of a book, I gave her a very original thing, a painting from a local gallery.

2. část poslechu

A: Hi, Mike. How was your summer?

B: Hi, Elena. Great. I worked as a lifeguard at the pool.

A: Oh, I remember you passed the exam to become a lifeguard last year.

B: Yeah, but without any work experience, I could only dream of working at a pool right away. Eventually, my brother, who worked as a lifeguard last year, helped me to get such a position for this summer.

A: I see. Well, I didn’t have such problems finding a job in a coffee bar. But of course, it was a very different kind of job. I just wrote my CV and sent it to all the coffee bars in town. I thought writing a good CV would be difficult for me, but I was wrong. In the end, I received a lot of job offers, so I guess I did a nice job writing it. Anyway, did you enjoy working at the pool?

B: Well, some people might find working as a lifeguard boring. They think we just sit and watch other people swimming. For me, that job was a reward, even though I had to pay attention all the time, and it was quite tiring. It was a good feeling to have such responsibility, after all.

A: It would be too much responsibility for me.

B: You know, I was really curious about the job. I could use my skills as a good swimmer there. And apart from that, I gained experience in dealing with all kinds of dangerous or unexpected situations. That’s not useless, is it? In a car accident, for example, or at a school where I want to teach. You never know with kids.

A: Luckily, in the coffee shop, there were no dangerous situations. But still, it was sometimes tiring and stressful. I worked seven hours a day, except for one day a week that I had off. But I couldn’t complain. My colleague had to work seven days a week.

B: What an exhausting job!

A: Well, maybe at the beginning. I didn’t get on well with my colleague, and I couldn’t imagine we could become friends one day. But guess what? That’s exactly what happened. After a few weeks, we found out that we’ve got a lot in common. Also, my boss paid me very well. Plus the tips, of course.

B: Lucky you. But I was also happy with the wages they promised me at the start and planned to buy a new laptop with what I earned. But with the money I got in my account at the end of the month, it was impossible. Now I’ll have to keep my old one, or ask my parents to lend me some money to buy a new laptop.

A: I see. You know, I wish I could keep the same job in the coffee bar also during the months when I have classes. I could work there at weekends, and that way I would save enough money to go traveling instead of working there during the next summer holidays.

B: That would be great.

ČTĚTE TAKÉ: Jak zvládnout ústní maturitu z angličtiny na jedničku?

3. část poslechu

Good morning to you all. This is your first English language lesson and I’m your teacher.
My name is William Johnson and we’ll be having a lesson together twice a week for eight weeks. Let me start with an important piece of information. Our last lesson should be taking place on Wednesday December the 10th. However, it’ll be held on December the 12th instead as I’m at a conference on the 10th, so please write that date down. In my lessons on the English language, we’ll practice both grammar and vocabulary. As grammar needs more attention, I’d like to start with vocabulary. That’s why we’ll practice this part of the English language in our first six lessons and grammar in the other ten. Now, during my lessons you can take notes in any way you prefer, in a notebook or on your computer. It’s up to you. Recording the lessons is the only thing I don’t want you to do. Please respect this and do not do it. Thank you. If you have any questions regarding my lessons, you can come and see me in my office. Knock on door number 369. That’s my assistant’s office. I might be there discussing preparations for my lessons or the assistant will lead you to my room number 368. Now, your first question might be, is there a book that I should buy? Yes, I recommend a book called The English Language, but be careful, there are several books of that name in the bookshops. I recommend that you get the one by Michael Jasey. His surname is spelled J-A-S-E-Y. Please go through it before the exam. The exam is scheduled for January the 3rd. As you know, our regular lessons take place in the pink building. For the exam, come to the grey one. There is a lecture hall used just for these occasions there. To make sure you are successful in your exam, I recommend that you visit the library opposite the lecture hall. There used to be a computer room opposite the lecture hall, but you will now find it downstairs opposite the canteen. Feel free to use it as well. All right, I’d like to start today’s lesson with…

ČTĚTE TAKÉ: Otázky zkoušejícího u ústní maturity z angličtiny

ČTĚTE TAKÉ: Jak se u ústní maturity představit a udělat skvělý první dojem?

4. část poslechu

Úloha 21

21. What makes Brad’s dog lively?

A: Hi, Brad! You have such a lively dog. He seems to be very happy. How come?

B: When I first got him, I used to feed him three times a day, thinking it would make him both happy and lively.

A: Was that a good idea?

B: It did make him happy, but he became quite lazy. He would just climb into my bed and fall asleep. Even after waking up, he showed only a little interest in moving.

A: He slept in your bed? I couldn’t stand that.

B: Well, I didn’t like that either, so now I take him for a walk several times a day. And
that has worked. He’s full of energy when we leave the house.

A: Good for both of you.

B: Yes, but once we’re back, he loses his energy when he must follow my orders at home.

Úloha 22

22. When does the Badminton club start for new members?

Good morning, everyone. Some of our school clubs are still looking for new members. New members can still apply for either the music, cooking, football, or badminton clubs. The music and cooking clubs have already started, but there are still a few places left. You can join these two clubs until the 29th of September. The other two clubs start on the 5th of October, so you still have some time to apply. If you’re interested in badminton, you’re invited to the gym on the 27th of September, where Mrs. Robinson will give you more information about the badminton club before you apply. As for football, there are only five places left, and you only have until the end of September to apply. Finally, one more thing. You’re all welcome to come and support the best badminton players in our school club in their first match of this school year. It’s on Wednesday, the 3rd of October. We hope to see you there.

Úloha 23

23. What is the man doing regarding the book The Silence?

I’ve just finished reading a detective novel called The Silence by Tom O’Brien. I really enjoyed following the main male character’s life story until I got to the final chapter. There I had the feeling that he was making fun of us readers. That’s actually why Tom O’Brien will never be my favorite writer. The Silence is the third book by Tom O’Brien which I’ve written a review about. And really, although Tom O’Brien’s great skill in describing his main characters could be appreciated again, the final part of this book keeps annoying me. How much more fun would his detective novels be if he didn’t finish them in such strange ways? When I meet Tom O’Brien next week, I’ll ask him to explain it to me.

Úloha 24

24. Where is the couple going to have dinner tonight?

A: Darling, hi, you’re home, finally. I’m really hungry. Are you ready to go?

B: Honey, I know I promised to book the table in that Italian restaurant we always go to,
but I forgot.

A: Oh, to get a free table there without a reservation is impossible. It’s the only Italian restaurant in town. What a pity I refused Jane’s dinner invitation. She was planning to show us her new flat, but I told her we were going to that Italian restaurant tonight.

B: Well, you know what? Let me cook tonight. I’ll make the best pizza ever. And I’ll call Jane and tell her to come over and have dinner with us so that she isn’t eating alone.

A: Really? You know we can always go to the fast food restaurant on the corner and have our favorite fish burger there.

B: Forget about burgers and let me handle it.

A: Perfect.

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