Přepis poslechu podzimního didaktického testu z AJ 2024


Přepisy úloh poslechu didaktického testu 2024 podzim poslouží ke kontrole poslechové části didaktického testu z angličtiny. Ideální pro finální ujištění se o správnosti odpovědi v poslechových úlohách maturitního testu z anglického jazyka. Přepis maturitního poslechu z angličtiny připravil exkluzivně Nový Amos pro všechny maturanty tohoto ročníku a další, kteří se budou na posleších z uplynulých ročníku maturity na svou maturitu připravovat. Mnoho úspěchů při tréninku na poslechová cvičení u testu z angličtiny u maturity přeje Nový Amos.


1. část poslechu

Úloha 1

What shirt will the man wear to the party?

A: John, you’re not wearing this dark shirt with the pocket to the party, are you?

B: I am. I chose it because it goes well with my trousers, see?

A: The dark trousers are fine, but a white shirt would be more suitable for such an occasion. Here, why don’t you wear this plain white shirt instead of the dark one? It doesn’t have a pocket in the front, but still, it’s a better choice.

B: I need to have a pocket on my shirt to put money in.

A: Come on, your trousers have pockets. Put it there. But if you still want to wear something dark, put on a dark tie. It’ll go well with the shirt I suggested, and the trousers.

B: Okay then, I’ll put that shirt on. Just give me a minute to change.

Úloha 2

What did the young man enjoy last Sunday?

I was very busy last Sunday. It started with an ice hockey match. Although I usually have fun playing ice hockey with my team, during that match I felt miserable. When I arrived home after the match, my mum asked me to look after my baby sister. I love playing with her, but at that time I wanted to do something else because I couldn’t make her smile. After lunch I was thinking of doing some Christmas shopping. Despite the fact that I hate shopping, I spent half the afternoon in a bookshop looking for a present for my brother, and I had a lovely time. From there I went to the cinema to see the new sci-fi film, which I was really looking forward to. Although I was disappointed at the cinema, I guess the film could be exciting for my brother. I’m sure he’d enjoy the film.

Úloha 3

Which Christmas tree did the woman have last Christmas in the end?

Last year, a week before Christmas Day, I bought a set of Christmas lights, and I couldn’t wait to put them on the tree, but doing that was much harder than I’d thought. I put the Christmas balls on the tree first, as usual, and before putting the star on top, I wanted to put the lights on the tree. But guess what? I managed to break two Christmas balls before I could even put half the lights on. So I took all the lights and Christmas balls off the tree and started again. This time, I put the star on top first, and then I put the lights on the tree. However, when I turned them on, nothing happened. They didn’t work. So I had to remove the lights and then put the Christmas balls back on. I was upset. I missed the lights on the tree on Christmas Day, but my husband said it looked great anyway. Next year, I’ll check that the lights work before I put them on the tree.

Úloha 4

Which animal does Mary not have on her farm?

A: Hi, Mary. Everything okay at your farm? I haven’t seen you for some time.

B: Hi, John. Thanks for asking. I couldn’t leave the farm for almost two weeks because our cow was sick. We had to take care of it day and night. It’s fine now, though.

A: That’s why I don’t keep cows. They’re lovely animals, but they need a lot of care.

B: So do the goats you keep.

A: True. Anyway, I think you should get some, too.

B: And where would I put them? To make room for them, I would have to sell the pigs. I prefer it the way it is. Besides, I’d really like to buy more ducks. My kids say that those four we have now are not enough. How are your ducks? Don’t you have, like, ten of them? You could sell me one or two.

A: I’ll give your kids two ducks for free if they come and help me with the goats next weekend.

B: Okay, I’ll tell them.


2. část poslechu

A: Hi, Jack. How are you now that the school year has started?

B: Hi, Rosie. I’m fine, thanks. I spent another great summer in Hawaii.

A: Really? I’ve been there four times. My brother lives there with his family, and my grandparents moved there as well a year ago. They all lived there in the capital.

B: So did my grandparents. But they moved to the countryside a while ago, and the place where they live now is much nicer than the one in the capital. I’ve been to see them three times. I’d go there more often if the journey to Hawaii and back here to New York wasn’t so long.

A: Long? The 11-hour flight passes very quickly to me.

B: 11 hours in the air? Never. I always fly to San Francisco first and from there to Hawaii.

A: See, that’s something I’ve never done when flying to Hawaii. Changing planes would be
too stressful for me. Anyway, what did you do in Hawaii?

B: I went surfing. Oh, I still remember going surfing there for the first time. It was hard, even for an experienced surfer like me. But now, as I’ve got used to the Hawaiian waves, it’s great. I even got an offer to teach beginners how to surf there. And when was the last time you went to Hawaii?

A: Last year, my brother’s wife had just given birth to their second baby, a boy, and needed help. In fact, they didn’t ask me to look after her newborn child. They wanted me to babysit their two-year-old daughter instead. That was during spring break. Spring in Hawaii is beautiful.

B: I’ve been there at different times of the year, and in my opinion, there’s no better time to go to Hawaii than in the autumn. It’s not as hot as summer, and at the same time, it’s less crowded than spring.

A: I guess you’re right about that.

B: Listen, Rosie, have you ever thought about moving to Hawaii?

A: I have. I feel that I really love staying in Hawaii, but I also realize it’s just because it’s holiday time for me. If I lived in Hawaii, I would have to go to work there. Then I’m afraid I might love Hawaii less. So I’ll continue visiting my relatives who live there in my free time only. That keeps all the places special. The places of natural beauty, for example.

B: That’s true. My favorite places in Hawaii are the waterfalls. I like them all, except for the one that I hiked to this year. It’s called Rainbow Falls.

A: Oh, I’ve been there. It’s one of my favorite places in Hawaii.

B: I wish I could say the same. I enjoyed hiking to Rainbow Falls, but not the place itself.

A: Well, anyway, Jack, are you planning to go to Hawaii again next year?

B: Yes, in August.

A: Me too. I’ll be there from August 15th to 24th. How about we meet each other there?

B: I’m leaving Hawaii on August 14th. What a pity.

A: It is.

3. část poslechu

Okay everyone, a theatre company is coming to our school again. Their name is Gayle, and their website is spelled www.gayle.com. You can find more information about the theatre company there. This company is going to perform a new play at our school, which is called The Moon. You can look forward to an adaptation of one of Roald Dahl’s books in this performance. Now, the theatre company offered to perform either on February 29th or March 24th, but the school could only agree to the earlier date because on the later date some of you are having the art workshop. The performance is for all students, with the exception of final year classes. As there are too many of you for our gym, which is perfect for such performances, we will watch it in the hall. I hope you, as well as the actors, will find it as comfortable as the gym. On the day of the performance, just after the end of the second lesson at quarter to ten, you’ll have a thirty-minute break to get to the place before the performance starts. Please make sure you get there on time, not to miss the beginning at quarter past ten. The play will go on until half past eleven, and then you can leave. But I recommend students stay and take part in the competition, which will take place immediately after the performance. Those who answer a few questions regarding the play correctly will get a poster as a prize. Last year, students could win a book in the competition, which was very popular with them, and I’m sure you will have a good time as well. As for the money for the tickets, it won’t be collected by your class teacher, as usual, but only by the secretary. Don’t forget to pay for your ticket by this Friday. This year, we managed to get a 20% discount, and the tickets are £8.40 instead of the usual £10.50. Don’t forget to bring the right change, please. Thank you for your attention.

4. část poslechu

Úloha 21

A: Mr. Greene, could you tell our listeners what the plan with buildings owned by the town is?

B: Of course. Our plan is to repair all buildings in town that are in bad condition. We have already started working on the swimming pool, for example, and we hope it will be completely repaired next year. People can see the results of our effort all around town. The railway station looks like a new place now, as everything is finished there. We don’t have to be ashamed of the first spot tourists see when coming to our town by train anymore. But to be fair, not everything is going according to plan. We promised the library would be completely repaired by the end of this year, and it’s already December. Readers must still wait a while before they can borrow books again. On the other hand, I’m really glad that the school gym has already been completely repaired and the work in the school goes on. I’m proud to say that the school building is going to be repaired soon.

Úloha 22

A: Look, I bought these shoes on the internet, but I’m going to send them back.

B: Well, buying shoes online is always a bit of a risk. You can’t try them on, so you never know if they’ll fit.

A: That’s not the problem. The shoes do fit me.

B: I see. And did you really want shoes in this colour? I wouldn’t choose yellow shoes myself.

A: Well at first I was a bit worried the colour would be too bright for me. But it goes well with most of my clothes, and I paid just £89.90.

B: What? I wouldn’t buy shoes for such a price even if they were made of leather.

A: I actually bought a set, and the price included a wallet and a key case to go with the shoes. So it’s not that much for three things, is it? But I expected them to be made out of real leather. That’s why I ordered them. It’s a pity they’re not, otherwise I would keep them.

Úloha 23

Hi Dad, it’s Sophie. How are you? Do you remember the last time you were at our place for lunch? We had a conversation about your new car after watching that TV show about cars. Remember? Well, Michael and I were thinking about getting a similar one for John’s 18th birthday next month. We’re having a barbecue at our place this Saturday at 1pm. We’d love to see you here and maybe have a chat about which car would be best for John’s birthday. It’ll be great if you come to say happy birthday to him. I know you’re on holiday next month. Now, the barbecue starts at the same time your favourite show is on, the one about cars. But no worries, you can watch it here. However, you should bring your own beer as we don’t drink at lunch. But you know that. Love you. Bye.

Úloha 24

How does Susanne prepare for tests?

A: Hi Mark, ready for the history test?

B: Hi Suzanne, I am. I was reading the textbook out loud last night. That helps me.

A: If I didn’t share a room with my sister, I’d try it too. See, she studies by typing her notes on her PC and she’s angry with me if I’m not quiet while she’s studying.

B: So why don’t you study the same way as your sister?

A: Because I’m not good at remembering written information.

B: That’s why I read the textbook out loud. I need to hear the information.

A: I turn on my PC, find short films about the topic I need to study for, and I play them. It works for me as I can also see it.

B: But I remember you used to discuss the topic with classmates and explain things to each other. Wasn’t that better?

A: Well, we always ended up speaking about something else, so we stopped doing that.


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